Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh blessed rock guitar

So the news in the rock world, if you haven't heard, is the little dispute between Joe Satriani and Coldplay (thanks for bringing this to my attention Mike). Joe Satriani is suing Coldplay for plagiarism for the song Viva La Vida. You take a look and decide for yourself.

Because Joe Satrianis playing woke a great memory of another great guitar solo song, one I may have never heard of it it wasn't for Guitar Hero 3. Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson. I don't know what it is about about this song but it makes me have an audible orgasm, if thats possible. The song is lovely and it makes me cry sweet sweet beautiful tears. Here are two videos one is just of the song, the other is a live version. Watching the live version is great because you get to see him shred, but theres a problem. There is a 5 minute and 50 second intro (what can I say it's guitar rock). So listen and watch at least one of these if you choose the live version, which I hope you do, fast forward to the 5:30 mark.

Studio Version

Live version

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